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Team Values and Person-Team Fit

You can come from different backgrounds but you have to cultivate the fit in terms of shared values and goals.

· team,to-sort

Teams values: Collectivism

  • Greater levels of collectivism in groups lead to higher team performance
  • Collectivistic cultures include much of Asia, the Middle East and South America
  • By contrast, the United States, UK and Australia tend to be quite individualistic

Source: Bell, Journal of Applied Psychology, 2007

Want o access your nation's values:

Cultivate collectivism to improve team performance.

Person-team fit: perceived congruence

  • Low: You don't have much in common with your coworkers, and their work ethic is very different from your own.
  • Moderate: You have a good working relationship with your coworkers, but don't socialize with them outside of work. Although they are about your age, you don't have many common interests.
  • High: Your coworkers are all about your age and have similar interests. You also have a good working relationship with your coworkers, often socializing together outside of work

Source: Kristof Brown et al., Journal of Applied Psychology, 2002

The more you can get team members to fit, the more benefits will outcome from the team:

  • Job satisfaction
  • Org commitment
  • Intent to quit
  • Group cohesion
  • Employee performance

toward the group |supervisor |organization

Source: Kristof Brown et al., Personnel Psychology, 2005

You can come from different backgrounds but you have to cultivate the fit in terms of shared values and goals.