The MBTI describes individuals in terms of their preferences in four categories or 'dichotomies': Focus of attention, Seeking information, Decision making,

The MBTI questionnaire asks individuals to select their preferences in each of these dichotomies and combines these four preferences into one of 16 personality 'types' (e.g. ISTJ, ENTP etc.) giving further insight.
You can do the quiz yourself via the official website ( ). The website also gives you the details of each of the personality types.
The MBTI does not prioritise any preference or type. They are all considered 'equal' (The Myers and Briggs Foundation, 2016) .
Some people have a strong aversion to the MBTI because they find the dichotomies and preferences too rigid (Bosanac, 2015) -
they feel that both dichotomies apply to them because in some circumstances they lean towards one and in a different situation they feel more inclined towards the other (Aranda & Tilton, 2013; The Myers and Briggs Foundation, 2016).
Despite this issue, the MBTI continues to be popular in the workplace. It is often used by managers and staff development professionals as a tool to discuss individual personal development of staff members (Bosanac, 2015; Kuipers et al., 2009; The Myers and Briggs Foundation, 2016; Rodriguez Montequin et al. 2013).